Saturday, November 24, 2012

Another letter to Hank.

Oh, Mr. Baby.

You are now nine months old, but I started this entry back when you were right around seven. I hardly ever get a chance to sit down and write, but with the time change, you're going to bed earlier and giving your dad and me some much-needed free time in the evening.

So yes, as I said, you're now nine months old, but you're under the impression that you're about two years old or so. You've been pretty much anti-crawling up until recently, when you started pulling yourself along with your arms, folding one leg underneath you, and using the other foot as a rudder. You can get pretty far using this method. Your favorite thing to do is walk by hanging on to our fingers and pulling yourself up. You've even tried to pry our fingers loose from your hands to attempt standing on your own. It's especially exciting to go for walks (or stomps, as it sounds) right before your bath, when you're barefoot and down to just your diaper.

You haven't officially said your first word yet, but you've transitioned from screaming "DA DA DA DA DA!" to "Ma ma ma ma ma" and now have been working on "Wooowww... wow" at various pitch levels. You also love screaming with ear-splitting delight at cats, dogs and Elmo. Whatever it takes to keep Yo Gabba Gabba and Spongebob out of the house.

You're starting to discover the joys of feeding yourself. It makes a humongous mess, but sometimes I'll spoon out a little soft food onto your high chair tray and let you go to town. You also do a good job with your mesh feeder and the mess is significantly easier to clean up. You haven't been too excited about kiwi or avocado, but you love cottage cheese and bananas. I've also let you try things from my plate - this morning you had some biscuits and gravy - well, just the gravy. Your favorite seems to be tomato soup. You absolutely hate the pureed meat from a jar. I guess I can't blame you on that one.

What else? I'm proud to announce that as of November 1st, you officially have a tooth. You didn't seem to be too bothered by its arrival. You're also getting a lot more hair. Your eyes are more or less blue, and you go back and forth on who you look like. Your new favorite games (in addition to the old standby "Where's the Baby?") are "This Little Piggy" and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." You've finally started to show an interest in books, although "Goodnight Moon" seems to make you angry for some strange reason.

Hank, there's just so much you've done over the relatively short time you've been here with us that I can't even sum it all into one blog entry or even an entire baby book. Your daddy and I - and the rest of our family - can't wait to see what you'll do next. We all love you so much that it's hard to even type those words without tearing up. You are our funny, ornery, sweet, smart, stubborn little boy.

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